THE SNOBOL4 PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE If you ever have to work with textual data, the SNOBOL4 language lets you do it quickly and easily. Give us 10 minutes and we'll give you a quick tour of the language and explain why reviewers call it the "standard for text processing." We've included a working version of SNOBOL4, a tutorial and reference manual and many sample programs, so if you're intrigued by what you see, you can immediately start learning and using the language in earnest. About This Demo ---------------- SNOBOL4 is controlling this demo, so the sample statements and results you see here are produced "live" by SNOBOL4. After the demonstration, you'll have the opportunity to enter your own practice statements. The demo runs in text mode, and should run on any MS-DOS computer with a 25- line monitor. Ready to learn about SNOBOL4? < LANGUAGE BASICS Variables --------- Like other languages, SNOBOL4 provides variables to hold values: * Game = 5 * Score = "Love" Unlike many other languages though, you don't have to declare the type of data to be held in each variable. SNOBOL4 adjusts the variable automatically, depending upon what you store into it. That means that a variable such as Score can have a text string like "Love" at one moment, then hold an integer sometime later: * Score = 15 For the technically minded, SNOBOL4 variables are "dynamically typed." < Type Checking ------------- Because SNOBOL4 remembers the type of data currently in each variable, all operators and functions can check the values given them. SNOBOL4 will automatically convert any that are in the wrong form. Suppose we try to add the text string "30" to the value in Score: > Score = Score + "30" The addition operator (+) automatically converts the string "30" to the integer 30 before adding it to the integer 15 in variable Score. Here we show the result of the operation within parentheses. Type checking eliminates many hidden program bugs, and automatic type conversion greatly simplifies programming. < String Concatenation -------------------- SNOBOL4's real strength lies in its ability to manipulate textual data, or "strings" of characters. The simplest operation is "concatenation," which involves appending one string to another. In SNOBOL4, we do this simply by writing the variables or literal strings to be concatenated one after the other, with a space between each: > Test = "Quick" "Brown" "Fox" > State = "The score in game number " Game " is " Score Here's another example of type conversion. The integers 5 and 15 in the variables Game and Score were converted automatically to strings so they could be concatenated with the other strings in the second statement above. Notice what you DON'T have to do in SNOBOL4: explicitly manage memory stor- age. It happens automatically -- SNOBOL4 allocates space as needed, and releases it when the data is no longer needed. It's effortless, and it's foolproof. < Pattern Matching ---------------- There are other operations besides concatenation to manipulate strings, but for brevity, we'll skip them and move on to SNOBOL4's most unique and powerful feature, pattern matching. Pattern matching examines a "subject" string for some combination of charac- ters, called a "pattern." The matching process may be very simple, or extremely complex. For example: 1. The subject contains several color names. The pattern is the string "BLUE". Does the subject string contain the word "BLUE"? 2. The subject contains a record of data read from a file. The pattern deciphers the field structure within the record, and stores the component pieces into variables. 3. The subject contains a paragraph of English text. The pattern describes the spacing rules to be applied after punctuation. Does the subject string conform to the punctuation rules? 4. The subject string represents the current board position in a game of Tick- Tack-Toe. The pattern examines this string and determines the next move. 5. The subject contains a statement from a prototype language. The pattern contains the grammar of that language. Is the statement properly formed according to the grammar? < A pattern is a unique data type in SNOBOL4, something that can be compiled and stored in a variable. For example, * Colors = "red" | "green" | "blue" assigns to Colors a pattern that will match the string "red" OR the string "green" OR the string "blue". To use the pattern, we simply write the string or variable to be tested, followed by the pattern. * "turn at the red house" Colors . Result The period between Colors and Result says "take whatever matched on the left side of the period, and assign it to the variable on the right." Since the "red" portion of Colors matched, SNOBOL4 assigned it to the variable named Result. < If the subject is a variable, we can replace just whatever matches: * Instruction = "turn at the red house" subject pattern = replacement ÄÄÄÂÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÂÄÄÄ ÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÁÄÄÄ ÄÄÁÄÄ > Instruction Colors = "BIG" < The real power in pattern matching comes from two additional features: 1. Patterns can be more than simple literal strings. They can specify the KIND of characters to be matched, such as a run of digits, or characters "up to" a punctuation mark, or to a fixed position in the subject, etc. 2. Patterns can be built using AND and OR combinations of other patterns. Patterns may even be defined in terms of themselves (recursive patterns). Here are a few simple examples: * Vowel = any("aeiou") * DoubleVowel = Vowel Vowel * "vacuum" DoubleVowel . Result * Letters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" * Wordpat = break(Letters) span(Letters) . Result * Instruction Wordpat = "" * Instruction Wordpat = "" < Program Structure ----------------- Statements like the ones shown will "succeed" if the indicated operation can be carried out, or "fail" if they cannot. SNOBOL4 also provides all the "testing" operations familiar from other languages, such as comparison of strings or numeric values. Comparisons also will "succeed" or "fail". Normally, SNOBOL4 executes statements in sequence. However the success or failure of a statement can be tested, and program control passed to a differ- ent statement instead. Statements are identified by "statement labels" that precede the statement: * Test = "sunspots and flares" *Again Test Wordpat = "" :S(Again) This little program uses Wordpat to look for a word in the subject, Test. If found, it is replaced with an empty string, effectively deleting it from Test. The pattern match succeeds, and the ":S" test sends the program back to the same statement to get another word. When the pattern match ultimately fails, control proceeds to the next statement. < Miscellaneous ------------- There are lots of other goodies in SNOBOL4. You can have arrays of data, where each array element can hold data of a different type. A Table is like a one-dimensional array, except that its subscripts aren't limited to integers. Any type of SNOBOL4 data can be used as subscripts. Here's an example using string subscripts: * Sound = table() * Sound["dog"] = "bark" * Sound["cat"] = "meow" Tables expand automatically as you store things in them. They're handy for storing relationships and building indexes to data. You also can define your own data types, redefine SNOBOL4's operators, and create your own functions. You can even compile new program statements while your program is running (as this demo does). It's a rich language, and the parts work harmoniously to let you express complex ideas concisely. < Where to Next? -------------- The file README.DOC provides a road map to the files on this disk. If you want to learn more about the SNOBOL4 language, the batch file PRINTMAN.BAT will produce a language tutorial and reference manual. If you want to transform a file by performing multiple line-by-line search- and-replaces, we've included a pre-written SNOBOL4 program that does just that. It can replace literal strings, or use the full range of SNOBOL4 pattern matching. Print the file GENTRAN.DOC for instructions. You can run GENTRAN at the DOS prompt by typing: >SNOBOL4 GENTRAN If you want to contact SNOBOL4's authors, or ask about our enhanced versions for MS-DOS, 386 systems, Unix, or Macintosh, here's how to reach us: Catspaw, Inc. Voice: 719-539-3884, 8 am-5 pm (GMT-7) P.O. Box 1123 Fax: 719-539-4830 Salida, Colorado 81201 Internet: cats! USA uucpnet: ...{uunet,allegra,noao}!arizona!cats!support < Welcome to SNOBOL4! ------------------- This concludes our brief tour of the SNOBOL4 language. Would you like to type a few statements interactively, or return to DOS? In keeping with the spirit of this demo, we'll use a SNOBOL4 statement to read and process your response to this question. Enter "Y" to try out a few statements, or anything else to return to DOS. * Input ("Y" | "y") :S(next)F(end) Interactive Statement Execution ------------------------------- Here are some guidelines to get you started: 1. Begin all statements with blank or tab (to skip the label field). 2. Surround all operators (=, +, -, etc.) with a blank on both sides. 3. This Vanilla version of SNOBOL4 does not support real numbers. 4. You can display data by assigning values to the variable named Output. 5. You can read data from the keyboard by accessing the variable named Input. 6. Don't try to use statement labels or program Gotos at this time. Just concentrate on writing simple statements. 7. SNOBOL4 is supposed to be fun, so don't get frustrated! This demonstration can't substitute for reading the tutorial in the manual on the disk. Here are some samples to get you started. SNOBOL4 will prompt with a "?", and will display "Success" or "Failure" after each statement. ? Output = 3 + 4 < ? b = "blue" "bird" ? output = b ? b ("gold" | "blue") . Output ("fish" | "bird") . Output OK! You've got the helm. Type END at the left margin to terminate, or type Control-C. &